13 Essential Skin Care Tips to Keep Your Skin Glowing All Winter

Skin Care

Winter is here and it is the time when your skin needs genuine care. With low temperatures and close to no sunshine, your skin tends to dry out. The cold dry air takes its toll on your skin and makes it look tired and dull. Cold weather conditions can also cause sweating and clogging of pores, leading to breakouts. Keeping your skin healthy during the winters is crucial. However, you don’t have to settle for dry skin. With a few simple tips, you can have healthy, glowing skin all winter. Limelite Salon and Spa expert professionals present you with essential skincare tips to keep your skin healthy, supple, and glowing all winter and also free expert consultation.

· Avoid extremely hot showers – It is very tempting to go for extremely hot showers during cold weather. But, remember that it can be harmful to your skin. If you love your skin, avoid extremely hot showers. Use lukewarm water to wash your face and shower. This will keep your skin moisturized for a long time and prevent dryness.

· Stay hydrated – The air is cold and drier in winter and as a result, water evaporates from your body easily. Hence, it is really necessary to keep your skin hydrated. Drinking 8-9 glasses of water a day keeps you hydrated internally and adds a good shine to your skin. So, stay hydrated!

· Pick the right moisturizer – Moisturizers act as a shield, holding moisture in and hydrating the skin’s outer layers. Using the right moisturizer for your skin is the key to healthy and glowing skin in winter. Understand your skin type and choose the right moisturizer for your skin. Consider seeking expert advice from the best salon near you, if you are confused about choosing the right moisturizer for your skin type.

· Protect your skin – It’s important to safeguard your skin from cold air if you are stepping out in winter. So, wear gloves and caps and do not forget to apply sunscreen lotion. The UV rays present in the sunlight can damage your skin a lot. So, never skip your sunscreen lotion.

· Do not over-exfoliate your skin – Exfoliation helps in getting rid of dead cells. But, over-exfoliating your skin during winter might cause dry and flaky skin. Exfoliate your skin once a week. The process helps in boosting skin regeneration and better product absorption.

· Care for your feet – Use a glycerin-based cream or petroleum jelly to moisturize your feet. Exfoliate the skin on your feet every now and then, so that it can absorb the moisturizer easily. Make sure to wear socks when you step out.

· Do not forget to take care of the hands – The skin on the hands has lesser oil glands as compared to any other body part. This makes the moisture escape from your hands quickly, making the skin look dry and dull. Before you go out, apply a moisturizer to your hands and wear gloves.

· Use a serum high in vitamin C – Vitamin C is rich in antioxidants and is known for its skin-brightening properties. The serum stimulates collagen production, essential for soft, elastic, firmer, and more resilient skin. Using vitamin C during winters reduces dryness and wrinkles and keeps your skin moist throughout the day.

· Wear dry and comfortable clothes – Consider wearing full-length clothes during winter. This will protect your skin from dry weather. Do not wear wet clothes for too long in winter. This will irritate your skin and cause itchiness and flakes.

· Use a face mask once a week – Applying a face mask in winter can help you hydrate and rejuvenate your skin. It also enhances the texture of your skin and makes it cleaner and more translucent. Use a face mask once a week. You can use natural ingredients like honey, Aloe vera, Sandalwood, or Papaya, to make a face mask at home. If you are a person with a hectic schedule, head over to the best salon nearby and get yourself pampered with a face mask.

· Do not neglect lip care – Cold air zaps the natural moisture from your lips leaving them dry and chapped. Using lip balm and treating them with the proper nourishment is the key to keeping them healthy and happy even in the chilliest of the months.

· Follow a daily skincare routine – A daily skincare routine is a secret behind gorgeous and good-looking skin. Cleanse your skin twice a day, preferably in the morning and before going to bed. Apply a light moisturizer to lock the moisture in after washing your face in the morning. At the night, consider using a heavy moisturizer or overnight cream.

· Take care of what you eat – The food you eat has a great impact on your skin. Fruits are exceptional sources of vitamins and antioxidants that your skin needs to stay healthy during cold weather. Include a fair amount of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet to keep your skin healthy and hydrated.

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